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Jony Ive - The Genius Behind Apple's Greatest Products



Leander Kahney




Biographies & Business Profiles

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Jony Ive - The Genius Behind Apple's Greatest Products

Jony Ive: The Genius Behind Apple’s Greatest Products
In 1997, Steve Jobs returned to Apple with the unenviable job of turning around the very company he had founded. One night Jobs discovered a scruffy British designer beavering away in a studio at Apple and instantly realized he had found a talent who could reverse the company's long decline. That young designer was Jony Ive.

Ive's collaboration with Jobs would produce some of the world's most iconic products, including the iMac, iPod, iPad and iPhone. These designs have overturned entire industries and created the world's most powerful brand.

This book offers a detailed portrait of a creative genius, based on interviews with Ive's former colleagues and extensive research. From his early interest in industrial design through his education at Newcastle Polytechnic and meteoric rise at Apple, we discover the principles and practices that led Ive to become the designer of his generation.

Trade paperback - 320 pages